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How do you save? I got pretty far and quit, when I went back on it, I had to start all over again. 


I believe you can only save when you reach the end of a day (no more chat messages) and then log off.


This is such a beautiful and inspiring game <3

hey! just got this game, it seems super neat!!! but i'm on the second day, the 13th, and the terminal doesn't seem to be working for me? i'm typing in the full command, the first one that Laguna sends you: /Applications/, and it doesn't give me the whole "that doesn't exist in the directory" message but it also won't bring up gem_writer, nor will it progress the game. any advice ?

nvm, just resolved it! had to redownload the game, but hey, it's a good game so i'm not to upset lmao

i'm having the same issue if anyone has more info on how to resolve!! 

./Alex/Applications/ should work 

Deleted 4 years ago

Hi this game was so cute I love it so much. Laguna is the absolute best and I wish I'd had someone like her growing up ;n; tell her I love her and she deserves the world. The dad sections are so terrifying aka amazingly, perfectly executed I had to hug my actual not shitty dad afterwards. I love all the forums.

I did the secret bit! (though I can't claim to have actually figured it out without help) And it was so sweet and cute and just <3 

This is truly a multimedia masterpiece, a stunning example of the power of computer games as an artistic medium and something I truly hope you're very proud of because you deserve it!!


I wasn't sure what to expect when playing this, and it turned out to be one of the most interesting games I've ever played. It was really nostalgic to me, it captures the era of late 90's-early 2000's internet so well. It was also an incredibly relatable story, and I think even cis people would find it relatable too. The moments of dealing with the father were so tense and realistic. This game made me feel a lot of things. Something really special was pulled off here, I'm very glad to have played this.

I think the only real issue I have is that the the terminal explanations are confusing and could have been made a lot clearer, especially regarding the font. I think it would help for Laguna to express that it's "L" and not "I", as they don't explain you can type in 'help' where that is explained until -after- you type it properly, which isn't exactly useful. So that was frustrating. But outside of that, this game is amazing!

Yeah the terminal says "As in LIST, not IS" but that confused me a lot because "is" is in the word "list" so I kept typing i not l. Maybe change it to "Lowercase 'L', not capital 'I'"?

(1 edit)

also where does this game store its save data? after deleting and re-downloading the game, the save data is still there, and there are files on the desktop that wont delete. On top of that, when I tried to delete the folder I created for this game, it told me I couldn't/needed permission from my computer in order to, even though I'm the primary user. It didn't have any problem with me emptying the folder out, and then deleting the folder after though.


c:/Users/[your username]/AppData/LocalLow/Hummingwarp


You can also delete save data using the trash can icon in the login screen.

thank you <3

also I had, was encountering a weird bug where any documents I saved on the desktop stayed between save files, along with a few other ones

whaaaaaaaat I deleted all the data in that folder, and the notes are still on the desktop

(1 edit) (+1)

So I've been looking for a genre name for games like this. Early 90's computer visual novels, like part of night in the woods, or homestuck. Anyone got any ideas? I NEED more games in this genre and they have to exist. Theres no way homestuck was the first to do it.


I've heard Emily is Away is one of those games, but I haven't played that though

thanks for the input


Online Simulator is similar in that regard.

this is good, but it looks like its lacking the chat aspect of the game


It has that part actually. The tone is very different though.


hi, maybe i'm being dumb rn but how does this game's save system work? I've logged out in the OS and exited the program, but every time i do it seems to reset the messages


I think it only saves if you logout at the end of the day after the messages with the dad are over? I've had that issue as well

How do the Is Commands work? what do you need to enter? I'm stuck, I don't know what "Folder" to enter :p It just tells me Error: Invalid Directory. Application not found in this users directory.

I put in Is[/Gem_Writer] , is there a problem with that? The command is probably wrong and I'm just stupid haha


Like in a real Unix terminal, the command is ls (LS, as in LiSt) - you can see the explanation in the "help" command. :)

Also the bracketed text is meant to be an example - you shouldn't actually type in the brackets. So an example command for listing the contents of a directory would be:

ls /Alex/Applications

And an example for executing a program would be:


Hope that helps!

Yea, I figured it out after 4 hours of messing around on internet forums with my friend. I put is instead of Ls and realized it after 4 hours  :')

There is a bug on day 14 that does not let you trigger the rest of the convo with Laguna. She told me to do the ls command and open gem writer, which I did but nothing really happened. I watched a playtrough to see if I was doing somethin wrong, but I wasn't. So here  I am stuck on the same place. I know some people had the same problem as me, thanks to steam forums. Btw if this helps, I saw every other conversation aswell, I haven't closed up the game since I ever started playing, and I was multi-tasking convos (reading and answering multiple ones at the same time)

I must add that for some reason the "File" option lets me quit the messenger app an infinite amount of times.

ok, maybe it is because I typed "help" before that? as I tought it could work like a normal terminal lol

Did you at any point manage to open multiple chat clients?

Not that I recall doing so, sorry


OMG!!! This game brought back so many memories of the late 90s. I cant understand why we abandoned AIM and forums. The detail in the "OS" is phenomenal too!  Anyway, this trans girl was very pleased with her experience. 11/10, great sig


I. Love. This. Game. I loved it in every single part. The atmosphere, the world, the characters, the story. Everything. One of the best games I ever played, but then...


It also has a very relevant story for me as a trans girl. I cried so much as I felt every single emotion Alex felt and I got so emotionally invested I think I'll never be the same person. It was that powerful for me.

So Dev, thank you.

(one thing though, probably a bug of some sort... after finishing the story, the game locks and I can't exit nor logout... am I missing something or it just ends like that?)

oh no, what was the last message you received? That definitely sounds like a big, but I haven’t heard of that one before >~<

I'm gonna replay that part but I think it was just after the last messages from prplsqrl

Replayed from the last checkpoint and yeah, after prplsqrl logs out the last time it gets kinda buggy, I can't logout nor quit and I can't close the messenger app.

(1 edit)

Jeez, the fact that it happened twice is... extremely abnormal. I'm so sorry about that - I'm not sure what the issue could be, but I'll look into it! Which OS do you use? Are you running the game through the Itch launcher or running the game app directly?

I'm on Windows 10 x64 and I'm launching it directly from the executable

it just ends

Great concept but I couldn't get it to work on my PC

(1 edit) (+8)

this game asked me to write 400ish words of magical girl fanfic and then i got invested in the fanfic so i wrote, several., more words.


link to fanfic (if you were comfortable posting it) would be cool :)


Yeah! just check i posted it there im AlexInWonderland?? Actually you might need to use cuz idk if it's still up anymore in 2020? :P

ok actually though writing that fanfic was one of the last things I did on a computer with a failing hard drive; I'm not sure it's stable enough to get the game data off, and I'm not sure how I'd post it if I got the game data onto a linux laptop? :(

That said if anybody else continued their fanfic I want to read it too. I want more Secret Little Haven fanworks!!

Haha okay update; its not still up and I got no idea how to use the Wayback machine, that being said its super cool that you wrote it in the first place!! I try to think of successfully writing an Entire Fanfiction for myself and my head spins. Thanks for replying in the first place even if  we couldn't get a hold of it


Ohhh this game is SO lovely and made me cry! The ending is so poignant and powerful and everything throughout the game felt so real. All the interactions were so believable. I really felt like I was living through Alex's life with her. I'm queer & nonbinary and fandom has been an extremely important place of self-discovery and friendship for me ever since I was TINY, and this game evoked all those feelings of growing up and finding strength and comfort from like-minded online friends so so perfectly. What a joy <3333


Transfem coming out stories always have an advantage of being close to my heart, but I really loved this as a story of young people finding their independence too.

To get a little personal about it, I'm super familiar from my past with the experience of missing out on a lot of formative/personally important things I wanted to do cause I "couldn't", which was often cause of parental control/pressure. So I of course found this narrative really cathartic and enjoyable! The design of the game is obviously a fun nostalgia trip too and the dialogue felt very natural to me. Lovely little experience all around! Thanks ^^


i wasn't really sure what to expect going into this. i didn't really expect anything. a lot of games bill themselves as explorations of transness, and they're all of them good in their own right, but none of them ever really manage to capture how i feel.

every single thing about this game managed to grab a hold of me and drag me screaming back to times i thought i'd forgotten, to the afterschool ritual of checking forum posts and chatting with friends, to the first time someone thought i was a girl and how bad it felt to correct them, to the time i first learned about the idea of being trans and thought, "wait, you can just do that?"

someone else got it, and placed it into a thing i could experience again and again if i ever felt doubt, so i could be instantly teleported back to simpler days and reminded of where i came from. i've been confident in my gender presentation for years now, but for how often the word gets thrown around these days, playing this is the first time i've ever really truly felt valid.

thank you so much for this.



Everything about the game reminded me so much of the feeling of finding sanctuary in a small online community while life and identity all felt so daunting. Thank you for making this <3 <3 <3

(1 edit) (+3)

this game made me cry, i love it, it's so cute and so raw and it's so, so nostalgic. as someone who has only just recently come out to his family and found out about being trans the same way that alex does... gosh it just hits home so hard. i've already recommended this game to everyone i know!! thank you for making this <3

edit: also, is there any way i can download some of the wallpapers from the game? i would love to shuffle through them as my desktop background!!!


Of course, here are all the wallpapers for SanctuaryOS! ^_^

thank you!!! <3

(1 edit)

*SPOILERS* Bug report!

Just playing on MacOS Catalina and had trouble with the part where you have to think "outside the box" and look on your desktop! I could do everything in terminal except enter the correct password, and when I entered it correctly the terminal wouldn't respond or press enter. I think it may have to do with the game not having the proper permissions to write the .txt where it wants to be written? I was still able to google it and log off, but just a heads up!

Oh shoot, it must be an issue with Catalina's individualized permissions - I enabled all of them for the game during testing on my Catalina test machine, so no wonder I didn't catch it. Thanks for the heads-up! >.<


Hey uh, kinda nervous to say this here, but nobody on here knows who I am, so i guess there's no concern. I just wanted to let you know that this is 1. Like, the best visual novel I've ever played. The charming, cute aesthetic is awesome, and the interactive gameplay and exploration of the forums and files made for a game that like, and I know this is overused, but, transcends the genre. It also made me realize, and this is what I was nervous to say, that I was a trans girl myself. I guess it was something I had kinda known for a while, but I had always pushed it down and refused it because I didn't wanna think about it. This game, though, oh my god. Thank you so much for making this. It just floored me, I was shaking and crying, everything felt so genuine and so much that I had felt and that I was feeling. This game has changed my life more than any other game has. It's so beautiful. I just wanna say to anybody reading this, PLEASE PLAY THIS GAME! It's fun, clever, and so wonderful in every sense of the word.

To the dev, thank you for making this game!!


just was coming to say in my post how much I wish I had this game to come out with - holy shit!! congratulations!!! from one trans girl to another, I'm so incredibly happy for you <3


Thanks! It means a lot to feel support.


of course! if you need to talk to anyone, there are always people like Laguna on the internet! I've been out for a year and a half and would be happy to talk :-)


It would actually be really nice to have someone to talk to. Things have been rough recently and I haven't been getting a lot of sleep. If your offer was serious (no pressure), I'd love to talk with you. I'm on discord as SamwiseGam-G#9479 and my email is Again, no pressure, but it would be really helpful to talk to someone who gets it! Thanks for the kind words.



Reached out to you on both! My email/discord both have my itch username in them. <3



I know exactly how you are feeling. I just finished this game and omg... I've been crying and shaking and feeling a strange euphoria throughout the game. I couldn't stop playing, because this game completely resonated with my late 90s/early 2000s. I remember having Trillian, just to juggle all the chat windows, while RPing 🤣. But, on a serious note, it was the moments of getting away with being a girl that really shook me and made me cry, because I forgot what that felt like.

I've claimed being NB for years now. And I've questioned being trans. But, there's just no denying it after re-experiencing those feelings. 


I just want to say, Im so unbelivably happy for you. This game brought me of back to the time I first came to the realisation I was trans, how scary and bewildering it was for me... I understand how you feel rn, and even though you dont know me, Im here for you <3

Im proud of you, girl.


This game was both heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time. It really hit home for me as a nonbinary person who has been navigating the ups and downs of finally learning who I am (and appealed to my 90s childhood, almost like you plucked it right out of my head!) You did such an amazing job on the game and the story. Thank you so much for sharing this with the world. <3


All the conversations are either played for you or predetermined.


I mean... yes, it is a visual novel?


I didn't know visual novel were suppose to be so bad. This should be like text base Fallout but its not. It's more like chinese voting.


If you don't like it, don't play it. I found it incredible. Just because the genre isn't for you doesn't mean you need to trash the game.


I was really enjoying this game but have not been able to get it to save the two times I played. Clicking "logout" didn't seem to do anything and when I quit the game and restarted, my progress in the chat windows didn't seem to be saved. I'm not sure if I'll play again since it means I have to repeat the same conversations for the third time. Is there only the option to logout successfully when you reach the end of a "day" rather than being able to save your progress at any point?


yes you can only log out at the end of the day. make sure you've talked to everyone.

What was the last message you received? You may have not done an activity a character asks you to do in order to progress the story, such as adding an event to your calendar.


this game was amazing it kept me up until 5am . im a trans teen, my names alex and have alot of internet friends so the this game hit me in the head in a good way


My father's name is John. o.o

He did several of those actions.

Hits hardest when we can put ourselves in the shoes of the character.



I love it so far but I can't seem to get past the first day. Apparently Laguna is supposed to message you but I've tried a bunch of times, read all the forum pages, restarted, even tried on a different machine altogether and Laguna never messages me. Am I missing something?

Oh, what are the last messages you saw before the game stops sending messages?

I can make it through Sam's, purple squirrel, and andy's messages completely. They all log off and after that I don't get anymore messages. 

Specifically Andy's messages are about going to the basketball game and to make the 5pm reminder, same with Sam about going to the movie and putting that reminder in, and then purple squirrel having to go to dinner. 

I'm having the same issue sadly :( The last person I spoke with before reaching this barrier was Andy, I held off on starting the conversation with him until after I had spoken with Sam and prplsqrl. After he marked Away there was no other apparent way to progress.

(1 edit)

Ah, curiously, I restarted the game and something very different happened compared to when I was originally playing; originally, prplsqrl's spot on the Millenium Net Chat didn't even exist at all until AFTER I had found the private message on the PGFH forums and clicked the "add friend" button. With this restarted version, their icon and chat (plus pings) were viewable from the get-go. Whereas before I basically had no idea they were a part of the game until I found that private message. Might be a totally unrelated issue? But also hope this helps in some way, haha.

That was the same for me, but I had found the private message my first try at the game and was able to add them as a friend, but Laguna still never messaged me :( I’m wondering if completely scrubbing the game from my computer and redownloading might help, but I’m not sure where the game stores it’s other data. When I delete the game folder and redownload it everything I did (adding prplsqrl, all the reminders etc) persist.

That's really strange, it sounds like your game saved despite the fact it isn't supposed to be able to do so until you hit 'logout' at the end of a day's content :O That might be an additional issue too!

I finally found the issue! Picking options against going to the game with Andy made Laguna message me : D


this game is lovely but how do I switch off the godforsaken cats PLEASE


You can close them just like any other application by clicking on them and then selecting Quit from the System Menu Bar in SanctuaryOS.




I stayed up too late to finish this one in one sitting! Thank you for making such a beautiful game.


Wow this hurt me to play even though it had such a beautiful ending. Really hit me hard with what I've been going through right now.


This game was deeply impactful. I cannot stress how well done this game is. It was very emotional and well paced. I am glad this thing exists.


I love this game. I raced through the whole thing in one sitting this weekend. Now that ive done the story, im going back and looking for secrets. there is so much depth to this game and attention to detail. Im a sucker for old computers and early forums in general. I wish this had been my experience as a young teen coming out. its immensley comforting to play it out. Alex is doing way better than i was at her age :'). 

I'ts the only thing i've talked about for 3 days. I showed my roommates, told my siblings and friends, even the ones who dont play games, even the cis ones, even the "cis" ones to go play it. 

Im only having one problem.... 

and skip this is you dont want spoilers, although i have tried to keep details to a minimum




I know there are secrets hidden "somewhere in the games folder" 

but when i expand the app package contents on my mac, I cant find the files even though ive been given the passwords and completed the game once...

there are no other folders related to the game... I even revealed hidden files and searched the file names in all directories manually through terminal. am i missing something? or do the files only show up after some certain event in the game? 

as an avid hoarder of old computer shit im DYING to get my emulators up and running. if anyone could give me a hint as to where i can find these files i would really appreciate it.

Deleted post

Oh thank you !!! nice to know im not just missing something >.< ill check that out




I loved it. <3


thank you so much for this game. i'm still figuring things out myself, so this has been a huge comfort for me. <3


Only played the first two days, but ooohhh this is lovely.
The gaslighting scenes are SUPER terrifying and realistic, it's so far a really good game, and I'm excited to finish it soon! <3


Thanks for this amazing little game. I've been thinking a lot about my gender lately, and I'm not really sure what to make of it yet...but I cried a couple times playing this. 


Very touching game, I enjoyed it a lot


Thank you <3


Holy fuck this is good


THIS GAME!!!! THIS GAMEEEEEE !!!!!!!! oh my god!!!! this is so beautiful and touching and atmospheric and ohhh my god !!!!! i love this so so much its so well done and OOGOOHGOOG <33333333333 thank you thank you thank you i love it so much i am at a loss for words ogjoihfn i handflapped so so much during the ending out of stress and happiness and anxiety and MAN this is getting long but. from a 14 year old trans boy. thank you thank you thank you so much

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