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this game was wonderful. thank you for sharing this.


good lord THIS GAME. it is so atmospheric and moving but absolutely thrilling. like, you cant even tear your eyes away because of how invested you are in the story. super emotional and heartwarming, i was sobbing at the end. beautifully written text game 10/10 would and WILL play again


waa waa i'm sobbing the soundtrack is good but i can't listen to it without nearly decaying 


I just finished playing this. The game is really well-written and atmospheric - I couldn't tear myself away. This is just... idk I don't have enough words to describe how amazing this game is, I'm so glad I found it. 


this was, honestly, absolutely incredible. it felt like i was transported back in time. every part of this feels extremely personal. while i'm not a trans girl myself, i am nb--and almost every single one of these experiences hit almost too close to home. the parental shit, the forums (though mine were the Friendship is Magic forums :P), and the friends... each of them felt like someone i knew in life or online.

though i do have to warn people--if you're like me, play if you're in a good headspace, not when you've just had an extremely stressful weekend of going to the hospital !!! 

all in all, this was an incredible game and i loved it a lot. alex is so strong and i see myself in her. and i know she'll figure it out... and so will i. :)


This game made me cry multiple times, thank you so much for making such a beautiful story that means so much to so many people like myself. You are truly doing heavenly work on this planet, we all need more of this :)


Couldn't pull myself away after starting, so well written, so many feels, never been hit so hard or related to a game so much. The waiting for a reply to some of the moments gave me chills.


she'll figure it out <3
i'm a bit of a sucker for point-and-click-os games, and a bigger sucker for good trans stories (because i'm trans and there aren't enough of them) and just
gosh, i loved this! honestly, i'm bummed out to only be playing it now! ;-;
i totally hope you make more stuff, because holy shit, the writing was just aaaaaaaa


ive been sobbing all night because this couldve been my autobiography and i didnt realize anyone else had these experiences of being trans online

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got this with the bundle, played through it in a night and have been thinking about it ever since. really really amazing, this game hit so much harder than i anticipated. what a treasure.

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I seem to be stuck on the second day, where I have Jenni asking me "is everything okay?" and a message from Dad, but I don't see a message?
Everyone else has signed out for the night, so it's just them two.


i got the bundle and was NOT expecting this in here!! absolutely love the vibes thank you


Really loved this game, thanks so much for it. Love the characters and aesthetic and everything about it. I could really feel like this would've been my life had I been a teen in 1999 and is even very relatable to my current life today.  


played this all in one playthrough, my favorite game in years. Id be willing to spend a lot of money on another one. Can't recommend enough


I'm only like 15 minutes into this game and it's already hit closer to home than basically anything I've ever watched/read/played it honestly feels kinda weird to have actual representation but it's really nice!


A beautiful game with excellent dialogue and a great aesthetic. Captures that amazing experience for any trans woman of finding out that, really and truly, you CAN be a girl. Definitely reminded me of some important lessons I need to keep at heart. I've already recommended this game to many of my close friends, and I'd recommend it to anyone reading this.


What an incredible game! Thanks so much for sharing this. 


 A truly amazing experience. I didn't want this game to end. Everything from the plot and dialogues to the beautiful aesthetic made me feel completely involved in the story.

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This game has come into my life as a gift. Everything in this work is incredible and precious. 

Just 10 days ago I discovered that I was a trans woman, and your game has helped me a lot in dealing with anxiety. 

Thank you, I will never forget this.

i am not used to downloading games on my linux (64 bit), may i ask how it works? and if i cant get the game to work, the aesthetic/vibe to it is cool !

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This was my 2017, almost exactly. Finding myself in IRC channels while dealing with my parent’s divorce. This game hit hard. And it was one of the best experiences of my life. We’ll figure it out <3 ~Guardian Glitter out


This game is honestly a masterpiece. It almost perfectly captures old fandom and the feeling of being a young, queer person looking for an escape from reality via the internet. The experience of being a high schooler and having this weird mix of college-aged internet friends, friends your age struggling just as much as you are... and those closer to home, who you feel farthest from emotionally, and how the family we make can be infinitely more important than the family we're born with.

This game will stay with me for a long time. The characters were so realistic, like people I knew a long time ago...

Thank you for making this. It's brilliant

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holy moly

i did not expect this to hit as hard as it did.

thank you, victoria, for making this.

we'll all figure it out in the end. 

:) <3


This game was the first game in a while to make me cry. The characters were so real, and this game really hit me hard. I will probably never forget the experience I had when playing this.


had an absolute time of it with this game. not a trans woman but i am a trans man and. Oof. this hit me. HARD. gonna think about this for weeks


Thank you. Not just for this game, but for keeping on. Alex'll figure it out.. I have hope I will too. Her dad reminds me of my Grandma. It's been a rough time.. but I'm an adult now. And I get to make the choice all my own.

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I just finished this game and let me say, it was one of the most emotional games ive played. Talking to john was terrifying and the way it glitched. This game is perfect!

I loved this game. I didn't realize I was trans until grad school, so I maybe saw more of myself in Laguna than Alex, but there was something so wonderfully nostalgic about how early Internet communities are shown here.

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I finished this game just a couple of hours ago, and before playing, I was still doubting if I realy wanted to be trans, I it was the right thing to do ect, I'm not in the case of Alex(like family ect), but I reconized myself a lot in every advice given by Laguna, I almost cried several times, and now I'm sure of what I want to do.

I have a very close friend, like a sister to me that is in the same situation (At the time I post this , her comment is very close to this one) 

I absolutly recommend this game, It made me realise some very importants things.

(sry for the english i'm not a native speaker)


If you or your friend are looking for trans resources, I'd really recommend you check out this list. Best of luck, stay strong!


I'm gonna check out, thank you very much !


I gonna cry my sister ;-; 
I love you sooooooooooooooooooo much


I played this game in one sitting. It was absolutely captivating; I loved the story so much! I'm not even trans myself, but I felt Alex every step of the way. Her friends were great, too, and I'm so satisfied with how things turned out. 


I'm a trans man up at 3am after having a horrific few days feeling emotionally numb after US trans folk got our medical rights stripped away. Playing this game was cathartic and healing in a way I can't fully articulate. I related really heavily to Alex, shuffling back and forth every weekend to a shitty controlling abusive dad's house and getting extremely involved in fandom, especially gay m/m fanfic and crossplay (cosplaying as a man when I was a teenage """"girl""""). I never got an older trans man to tell me I wasn't a freak for wanting to be a boy like in my favorite fanfics. I never got the chance to stand up to my dad and have any of my words actually get through to him. Getting the chance to do both, even from the perspective of someone else, was so immensely healing.


Having Alex's profile pic in front of her face in the ending scene is a truly truly beautiful way to depict a trans person that's freshly cracked their egg and I think I'm going to remember it for a long long time. Thank you for this game.


I don't usually play Visual Novels.

I don't usually play solo games.

I was wrong to not do it, and this game is magnificent.

I'm in the same situation than Alex, I've friend that sometimes support me, I've got IRL friend and for the most part they're dicks.

But I have one thing that Alex doesn't have is : a friend very close to me and who wants to do the same thing. 

Well that was personal /(>~<)\ BUT this game helped me a lot. I've cried several times. Thanks. Magnificent work, magnificent game, magnificent story and like Samuel would say : "10/10 Would recommend". 


So, does anyone else have the burning question....

Were the rumors true? In the PGLF Movie did Minori end up
becoming a Guardian beside all their friends? 

I know its a silly thing to fixate on, but thats just how invested I got into this game, that that question is bugging the heck out of me!


MINORI IS OUR GOD, please if someone has the answer tell us.


Haha posting here feel like I am still in the game! ^-^


Yea I know, I'm so tempted to make a 'Pretty Guardian: Love Force' discord or something... Oooo or even jus run a RP based off it, I bet Girl by Moonlight would be fun... IZUMI + HOTARU 4ever!


Oh my gosh, please!!  I honestly just want a Discord of this game to discuss the g e n d e r f e e l s


y e s


All the gender feels! I am a Admin for a LBGTQ friendly RPG server on discord and I am gearing up to do some games and explore the g e n d e r f e e l s

But yes, this game is so amazing and immersive, and got me so invested... like I spent 2 hours writing further for Alex's fanfic before I realized what I was doing and felt silly. And Guardian Waffle.. the Hero we Deserve, even if we don't need her syrupy justice


also, was guardian waffle finally made cannon??


G U A R D I A N  W A F F L E 

Syrupy Justice for all!!


it's 4 am as im writing this and i just finished the game. as a teenage trans girl who only came out just last year, thank you.


This was... amazing. I bought the game earlier tonight with the Racial Justice bundle and the moment I saw it among the list I just had to play it.

I was a very confused teenager in the mid to late 90s, and basically lived on AIM Instant Messenger and mIRC. I was a huge Sailor Moon fan, and Trans. There was so many, MANY things I shared in common with Alex that it was spooky.. amazing, but spooky and felt so damned real.

This was a wonderful story and treated the subject matter with weight and care that I really appreciated! All of the little late 90s touches were wonderful. I actually found myself spending over a hour just adding to Alex's fanfic at Jenni's behest (She did suggest writing at least to 1500 words). I've never quite had that much immersion and investment in a game before. Thank you.

This is such a wonderful game!!! It’s so thoughtfully designed and well-written. The dialogue feels incredibly real and every element of the UI made me so nostalgic for when I was little and the Internet was my primary source of comfort. The use of IMs as a narrative device is so clever: there’s so much anxiety in sending off a message and being forced to wait for a reply and it really puts he player in Alex‘s shoes. I’m so glad I tried this. 


I just finished playing this game for the past two hours and it's honestly one of the best games i've played in years. i thought the storylines and characters were all written so well and done beautifully. i totally relate to alex to questioning their identity and not knowing that it was a thing. i got to the part where it was day 4? where you talk to the dad then he takes away your internet privileges but i can't seem to get past that part. i really enjoyed the game but i wish i could figure out how to get past this part and finish the game.


I don't want to spoil you, but I've struggled too so: here's an help !
First open the terminal and type : ls /Alex/Applications

And then you try to open the using the techniques that Laguna teached you (./Alex/Applications/[])

Then she will explain to you how to go further.

If yo don't figure out the password, keep exploring using the same techniques, but if you still don't figure it out : ALEX is the first password and then you'll see \(^-^)/


I don't know what to say besides that I loved this game. I don't know of any other game which would encourage me to write 500 words of fanfic about a fictional show I know nothing about. But I did it; I don't know if it had any gameplay consequence, but it had an emotional one. 

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