I want to like this game. I love Alex and her struggles! Her dynamics with the other characters are interesting! But the terminal mechanic is frustrating beyond all belief. I got trapped in day three with no way to progress. Imagine rage-quitting at a visual novel! I didn't expect that going into the game. Maybe I'll try the game again, but I sincerely doubt it.
Laguna's instructions were confusing but I tried to type the command as I saw it, but the terminal didn't recognize it. I don't know what the issue was. I made sure all the capitalization and punctuation were ccorrect but it still said it wasn't a valid command. I tried to look up a tutorial or a walkthrough, but the one I found was less than helpful. The person stumbled in the same spot as me but never said what they did to fix it, so I fruitlessly kept trying on my own.
I'm having the exact same issue :( I typed "Is" exactly as Laguna said and it says "Invalid Directory. Application Not Found in This User's Directory."
I got much further than I initially expected (the first problem resolved itself; I forgot the period before a command line), but I have another, related, issue with the terminal. I'm having a hard time figuring out the admin password. The above command is registering as an error. I also searched the 'other' folder, but the cryptic message didn't help me out much. Now that I've passed the learning curve, I actually find the terminal mechanic to be extremely clever, fun, and (mostly) intuitive. I'm just bad at cryptic puzzles which is dampening my progress.
I am stuck here as well, and it is most certainly user error in my case. I am loving this game so much and really would like to finish. Hints would be mucho appreciated.
Hi, I’m sorry, is this the proper way to do that? I’m sorry, I’m new to Itch.io. Anyway I was enjoying the games’ atmosphere quite a lot and then noticed that... nothing happened... I can open IM, browse forums, get adorable kittys on my screen but nothing seemingly story-driven. I then went to see a walkthrough where the player was quite rapidly flooded with messages from Samuel, who’s silent to me. :( Did I miss something obvious? (running linux if by any chance, but everything seems to be running fine so)
Great! It's a bug that used to be pretty common in older Unity games. I wonder if it's strictly a Unity bug though, in which case I guess providing a build with a newer version of Unity may fix it?
I'm getting this error message when I try to open it on my Macbook Air (Catalina OS): "Secret Little Haven" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. MacOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware."
Oh hey! So what you have to do is go to System Preferences, then go to Security & Privacy, and then go to "General". It should say "____ software can't be verified to not have malware", so you click on the "Run anyway" button and the game should launch ✨
Every time you have an issue with software, go to Security & Privacy to grant it permission to launch.
This game hurt to play. Not because it was bad, not because it controlled poorly, none of those things. The game was really fantastic, and has climbed up the list of one of my favorite games. It hurt for me to play because of everything Alex went through.
As someone who discovered herself through friends and fandom, a lot of stuff that Alex went through was really relatable to the point of making me feel.. uncomfortable? worried? I don't know how to properly describe it.
The scenes with the father was very anxiety inducing for me, as someone who has experienced (or is experiencing) something similar. I was actually more scared than most horror games thinking about when he will show up.
To avoid going more into spoiler stuff, the entire experience was hard to get through but very incredible. It has seriously become one of my favorite games, like I have mentioned before, and while I don't see myself replaying it, it's something I don't see myself forgetting.
This game is important. I can't thank you enough for making it. If I hadn't known I was trans yet, I think this game would have helped me realize it. Alex reminded me so much of my friend, in ways good and bad. It gives me hope for her, that she'll find her way, in the end. I want more people to know about this game, and play it for themselves. Thank you so much for adding it into the bundle, I wouldn't have found it on my own.
I LOVED THIS GAME SO MUCH! As a trans nerd, Alex's journey in finding community and support really resonated with me. I had a ton of fun interacting with these fan spaces, adorable applications, and characters, and was often moved to tears! I feel so hopeful and buoyant after playing, and enjoyed seeing relationships similar to mine be resolved/navigated healthily. Thank you so much for creating!
I can't really say I know what a person goes trough when they discover themselves in this way, cause I don't know, but, what I do know is that I love game, story and the mechanics themselves. The UI mechanics are exquisitely made and the whole thing is just very creative.
I loved the retro feel of the Apple iMac and the whole setting just awesome, even the characters play along with it being '99!
Incredible game. Feels extra nice when you're transgender yourself. I found myself in Alex. It was very accurate. Nice music, too. Liked everything about it.
This game hit extremely close to home in all the right ways, as someone who is trans, someone who found themselves through fandom. It touched my heart, I saw my friends in the people Alex spoke to, people I had grown to know in my real life. I found her asking questions that I had asked myself. I found her experiences with her father to be relatable and terrifying.
I found myself in tears at the very end. It's hard for games to really truly capture me and pull me into the story. But this one had me invested from the moment I opened it up. Thank you for making such an amazing game I wish I could experience it for the first time again, but I'll probably play it again no matter what <3
This game is an absolute masterpiece. I'm finding it hard to describe how good it was as a game but just the experience was amazing. I played while screen sharing with my internet friend of about 3 years, we didn't know what to expect but we just voiced the characters until we got super invested and lost focus on that. As the game progressed we found ourselves having conversations about our trauma and relating to the game's themes. This is an incredibly real and pretty timeless story. Not only is the story amazing, so are the graphics! The aesthetic of the game is totally to die for!! The glitch effects, the sounds, ALL THE WEB PAGES, etc. It was an amazing experience. I definitely recommend <3!! As a sentimental person... I will remember this game for AWHILE <333
Wow, this game somehow is the perfect combination of nostalgia, sweet friendships, and hard-hitting tension. I really enjoyed the time I spent playing your game. I felt it was well-polished and the characters felt so human. The pacing of the chats felt really realistic and immersive, as if I was back in the AIM days! And as a junior dev myself, the terminal scenes really captured that feeling of power when you first learn how to execute commands!
Despite not being trans, I related to the main character's struggles a lot and saw a lot of myself in her, and that doesn't happen often! There was a time in my childhood where all my friends were on online forums, too, and I had to sneak onto the computer to talk to them without my parents knowing. Thank you so much for this experience :)
I started playing this yesterday and while i'm not finished yet, i'm stunned by how incredible this game is. For the first half hour I was grinning like an idiot from nostalgia, as you perfectly captured forums and websites from that era. As soon as the end of the first day rolled around though, the mood change hit me so hard and I loved it.
This game just totally punched my emotional buttons in exactly the right way and it emulates the anxiety and fear of the situations so well.
Playing this just makes me remember just how affecting video game stories can be and how beautiful they are when done so well, with such passion!
Oh gosh, thank you for the bug report - I'll try and test that on my Linux machine! Just as a question, are you running the game through the Itch launcher, or without (The game sometimes has trouble running through the Itch launcher in macOS or Linux)
i absolutely loved this game and thought it was delightful!! the user interface is so pretty and i really enjoyed interacting with alex's friends and making use of the terminal program; secret little haven is a beautiful must-play !! thank u so much
love the game so far! i've ran into a problem though; i can't save it. the event in the calendar was saved, but the chat started from the beggining. tried running the game as an admin and it didn't help. i'm playing it on windows 10
Did you complete a full day and log out? The game won't save unless you finish a full day and then log out at the end (Sorry, it would have been waayyyy too complex to figure out how to save & reload every single dialog choice in the chat history >.<)
rly beautiful game, & i loved the design, how well it felt like balancing convos on AIM and stuff. a lot of hidden work in there that feels so easy! i got a little tripped up on the password stuff near the end but otherwise everything felt so easy and clear and the story unwound so nice.
and the story was nice. i rly appreciate the characterization of Laguna, im rly glad she was in there. good game. thx so much
Hey, just wanted to say, uh, this game almost single handedly made me realize I was MTF, something upon looking back I have no idea how I missed, and that was roughly 3 or 4 hours ago, and I just started the game, and I literally couldn't thank a person enough if I tried.
Downloaded this a YEAR ago apparently, only just getting around to it. Love it so far, like someone else noted it's nice to have a bit of nostalgia for older Mac OSes when all the nostalgia seems to be MS related. But I happen to notice that every time I play the cursor's click point is not calibrated? I always have to aim the cursor far to the right of where I want to click to actually close windows, and after playing for a few hours it's disorienting to get back to my old cursor lol. Is there a fix for this, or has anyone else experienced this? Either way, a great game so far. Can't wait to finish it.
I really appreciated this game - I got it on steam a while back and just finally played through it yesterday. The characters are great, and it really brought me back in a way most games can't.
I did run into one kinda frustrating bug with the steam version, causing game crashes at unfortunate times. One was getting the "Henry" achievement (which I did right before the end, of course), then the other was the endgame achievement, which crashed during the credits.
A few people ran into it on the steam community: here and here - the second link actually has a fix that worked for me. It seems like the steamworks library may need an update.
I know Steam's not great at keeping you up to date with what's going on, so I thought I'd share here in case you haven't seen it yet.
(ps: Thanks for reminding me that Neko exists! Hadn't thought about that little desktop cat in forever!)
Wow i really loved this! Thanks for the experience, i'm a trans person myself and it really resonated! I didn't experience online being online at that time but it reminded of when i was in forums in 2008-2010
I love this game, the style and themes really resonate with me! But the save system is infuriatingly vague, and my save seems to have been deleted? I played up through the second day, logged out at the end, and when I logged back in today I was back at the very beginning. I already had to play the first day twice, I don't think I can play this any more, unless there's a way to jump to the third day :(
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that you're running into that bug! Which OS are you running the game under? Are you running the game in any sort of sandboxing software?
that has caused some issues forsome players - try just downloading the game from the store page normally without the use of any Itch client and that should work, though try running itwith admin access just in case there's some permissions issue preventing it from writing the save file to your filesystem.
I'm really glad I (finally) got around to playing this. Although I wasn't online at this time and never really got to the level of online-ness of Alex and her friends, a lot of the game was familiar to me. The Mac OS 9 nostalgia (we deserve it with the amount of MS-DOS nostalgia out there!); the fandom chats (in my case, the Percy Jackson fandom, with people who still talked like Alex and Sammy in 2014); the personalities (Jenni is strikingly similar to a friend of mine from a Carmen Sandiego forum); and - it has to be said - the parental abuse.
Honestly, seeing much of my own father and stepmother's behavior in Alex's dad kind of reminded me that yes, it was as bad as I remember it - if not worse - and yes, it really was abuse, looking from the outside in. Thank you to the creator(s) for that.
There are two things I wish were different with regards to the game controls. One is a volume control for the SFX as well as the music; the other is an option to disable the screen effects at the start of the game. I have a hard time seeing to read sometimes, and I didn't realize at first the option was there to calm down the visual distortion while chatting with John.
Thank you again to Victoria and her team for making this game.
I remember reading about this game months ago, in a Tumblr post I bookmarked. I was in my bookmarks today when I stumbled back upon it so I decided to actually buy it.
Fast forward to now, after staying up past midnight playing it. The writing flashes me back to being in middle school, on the gaiaonline forums, being on Yahoo messenger, being young and having nothing figured out. But to a greater extent, it captures the uncertainty of my egg cracking, and the rigid oppressive expectations from those who want me to be something I'm not. Not many games ive played capture the realness this does. So thank you, it was a delight.
Out of all the 'learn to hack' games out there, Secret Little Haven's slice of hacking is most realistic I've seen. I wasn't expecting that out of a nostalgiaOS game.
Also, the hard-core dad is my favorite. 'I had to leave my wife because she was holding us back, son. She is weak !!!'
nice game tho i am stuck at a part where laguna tells me to write in the terminal ~./Applications/Gem_Writer.play because the game won't make me type the "~"
this game really uh, stabbed me right in the feelings
kinda curious though about uh how one goes about sending a crash log to hummingwarp or whatever
got the game on steam and it like, crashed after the final um. . . cutscene? images? the uh, final part. hopefully not missing anything that happens after that. . .
haha nvm i didn't know what i was doing excellent game
Hey, not sure why but the Is command in terminal isn't working, even just Is by itself does nothing/ .play i can do. I tried reinstalling and i looked up a youtube playthrough to make sure i wasn't doing something wrong. I saw a steam commment from someone with the same issue to.
loving what i'm playing so far but kinda stuck now.
That game was amazing, simply amazing, I really hope you do a sequel where she figures it out and sorts her relationship with her dad out, I came for a casual, chill vaporwave game for some nastolgia, and I got one of the best games in history by accident.
← Return to game
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I want to like this game. I love Alex and her struggles! Her dynamics with the other characters are interesting! But the terminal mechanic is frustrating beyond all belief. I got trapped in day three with no way to progress. Imagine rage-quitting at a visual novel! I didn't expect that going into the game. Maybe I'll try the game again, but I sincerely doubt it.
What about it did you get stuck on?
Laguna's instructions were confusing but I tried to type the command as I saw it, but the terminal didn't recognize it. I don't know what the issue was. I made sure all the capitalization and punctuation were ccorrect but it still said it wasn't a valid command. I tried to look up a tutorial or a walkthrough, but the one I found was less than helpful. The person stumbled in the same spot as me but never said what they did to fix it, so I fruitlessly kept trying on my own.
Could you take a screenshot of what you tried to enter? It's likely just a syntax issue with the entered text.
I'm having the exact same issue :( I typed "Is" exactly as Laguna said and it says "Invalid Directory. Application Not Found in This User's Directory."
Oh, it’s ls, with an L, not an I!
to open txt files, you would need to do ./John/Documents/work/proposal.txt
also, you may have missed something in REMINDER.txt
hi, i've never related to a game so much in my life. thank you for making something that's helping me so much.
Can you take a screenshot of the terminal commands you are trying to enter?
I am stuck here as well, and it is most certainly user error in my case. I am loving this game so much and really would like to finish. Hints would be mucho appreciated.
Oh that would be fantastic!
[spoilers for everyone else]
I was able to locate the document REMINDER.txt on John's machine, but a bit lost on how to open it/what to do with it.
Same! Hopefully someone can get us both unstuck T_T
Thanks anyway for this game! \o/
oh no, I’m sorry - the Linux build can have trouble for some users for whatever reason >~<
What distro are you running?
Oh no! And it must be a nightmare to debug !!
I’m running Ubuntu 20.04 with proprietary nVidia. I might try Wine/Proton to launch the .exe, what do you think?
Try running the game with the `LANG` environment variable set to `C`, e.g.:
LANG=C ./"Secret Little Haven.x86_64"
It works! Thanks a bunch. Now to this gem!
Great! It's a bug that used to be pretty common in older Unity games. I wonder if it's strictly a Unity bug though, in which case I guess providing a build with a newer version of Unity may fix it?
If it's not a bug in Unity but in the game itself, it may be this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/283040/discussions/1/558751813141626592/#c5587518...
I'm getting this error message when I try to open it on my Macbook Air (Catalina OS): "Secret Little Haven" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. MacOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware."
Oh hey! So what you have to do is go to System Preferences, then go to Security & Privacy, and then go to "General". It should say "____ software can't be verified to not have malware", so you click on the "Run anyway" button and the game should launch ✨
It doesn't appear, so I googled it and learned Catalina will not run 32 bit programs. I will have to try to open it on an older computer. Bummer.
oh gosh, I'm sorry about that
I hope you are able to play this game
As a trans person this game has meant so much to me, and your work left me with the most bittersweet happiness I've felt in a while, thank you.
This game hurt to play. Not because it was bad, not because it controlled poorly, none of those things. The game was really fantastic, and has climbed up the list of one of my favorite games. It hurt for me to play because of everything Alex went through.
As someone who discovered herself through friends and fandom, a lot of stuff that Alex went through was really relatable to the point of making me feel.. uncomfortable? worried? I don't know how to properly describe it.
The scenes with the father was very anxiety inducing for me, as someone who has experienced (or is experiencing) something similar. I was actually more scared than most horror games thinking about when he will show up.
To avoid going more into spoiler stuff, the entire experience was hard to get through but very incredible. It has seriously become one of my favorite games, like I have mentioned before, and while I don't see myself replaying it, it's something I don't see myself forgetting.
This game is important. I can't thank you enough for making it. If I hadn't known I was trans yet, I think this game would have helped me realize it. Alex reminded me so much of my friend, in ways good and bad. It gives me hope for her, that she'll find her way, in the end. I want more people to know about this game, and play it for themselves. Thank you so much for adding it into the bundle, I wouldn't have found it on my own.
Thanks for making this, it gave me some hope
I LOVED THIS GAME SO MUCH! As a trans nerd, Alex's journey in finding community and support really resonated with me. I had a ton of fun interacting with these fan spaces, adorable applications, and characters, and was often moved to tears! I feel so hopeful and buoyant after playing, and enjoyed seeing relationships similar to mine be resolved/navigated healthily. Thank you so much for creating!
I can't really say I know what a person goes trough when they discover themselves in this way, cause I don't know, but, what I do know is that I love game, story and the mechanics themselves. The UI mechanics are exquisitely made and the whole thing is just very creative.
I loved the retro feel of the Apple iMac and the whole setting just awesome, even the characters play along with it being '99!
just played through the first day and i
really like this.
Incredible game. Feels extra nice when you're transgender yourself. I found myself in Alex. It was very accurate. Nice music, too. Liked everything about it.
This game hit extremely close to home in all the right ways, as someone who is trans, someone who found themselves through fandom. It touched my heart, I saw my friends in the people Alex spoke to, people I had grown to know in my real life. I found her asking questions that I had asked myself. I found her experiences with her father to be relatable and terrifying.
I found myself in tears at the very end. It's hard for games to really truly capture me and pull me into the story. But this one had me invested from the moment I opened it up. Thank you for making such an amazing game I wish I could experience it for the first time again, but I'll probably play it again no matter what <3
This game is an absolute masterpiece. I'm finding it hard to describe how good it was as a game but just the experience was amazing. I played while screen sharing with my internet friend of about 3 years, we didn't know what to expect but we just voiced the characters until we got super invested and lost focus on that. As the game progressed we found ourselves having conversations about our trauma and relating to the game's themes. This is an incredibly real and pretty timeless story. Not only is the story amazing, so are the graphics! The aesthetic of the game is totally to die for!! The glitch effects, the sounds, ALL THE WEB PAGES, etc. It was an amazing experience. I definitely recommend <3!! As a sentimental person... I will remember this game for AWHILE <333
Augh, sorry - I have been trying like, everything to fix that double-chat bug, but I guess it can still appear sometimes >~<
Wow, this game somehow is the perfect combination of nostalgia, sweet friendships, and hard-hitting tension. I really enjoyed the time I spent playing your game. I felt it was well-polished and the characters felt so human. The pacing of the chats felt really realistic and immersive, as if I was back in the AIM days! And as a junior dev myself, the terminal scenes really captured that feeling of power when you first learn how to execute commands!
Despite not being trans, I related to the main character's struggles a lot and saw a lot of myself in her, and that doesn't happen often! There was a time in my childhood where all my friends were on online forums, too, and I had to sneak onto the computer to talk to them without my parents knowing. Thank you so much for this experience :)
I started playing this yesterday and while i'm not finished yet, i'm stunned by how incredible this game is. For the first half hour I was grinning like an idiot from nostalgia, as you perfectly captured forums and websites from that era. As soon as the end of the first day rolled around though, the mood change hit me so hard and I loved it.
This game just totally punched my emotional buttons in exactly the right way and it emulates the anxiety and fear of the situations so well.
Playing this just makes me remember just how affecting video game stories can be and how beautiful they are when done so well, with such passion!
An inspiring game for sure, thank you ❤️
Oh gosh, thank you for the bug report - I'll try and test that on my Linux machine! Just as a question, are you running the game through the Itch launcher, or without (The game sometimes has trouble running through the Itch launcher in macOS or Linux)
i absolutely loved this game and thought it was delightful!! the user interface is so pretty and i really enjoyed interacting with alex's friends and making use of the terminal program; secret little haven is a beautiful must-play !! thank u so much
Maybe if you launch your own chat in-game, you can get some help ;)
first thing: go into the terminal and try lsing into everything
thanks for putting that in <3
love the game so far! i've ran into a problem though; i can't save it. the event in the calendar was saved, but the chat started from the beggining. tried running the game as an admin and it didn't help. i'm playing it on windows 10
Did you complete a full day and log out? The game won't save unless you finish a full day and then log out at the end (Sorry, it would have been waayyyy too complex to figure out how to save & reload every single dialog choice in the chat history >.<)
oh, yeah, I didn’t complete a full day. Thanks
rly beautiful game, & i loved the design, how well it felt like balancing convos on AIM and stuff. a lot of hidden work in there that feels so easy! i got a little tripped up on the password stuff near the end but otherwise everything felt so easy and clear and the story unwound so nice.
and the story was nice. i rly appreciate the characterization of Laguna, im rly glad she was in there. good game. thx so much
Hey, just wanted to say, uh, this game almost single handedly made me realize I was MTF, something upon looking back I have no idea how I missed, and that was roughly 3 or 4 hours ago, and I just started the game, and I literally couldn't thank a person enough if I tried.
So thank you, sincerely <3
Downloaded this a YEAR ago apparently, only just getting around to it. Love it so far, like someone else noted it's nice to have a bit of nostalgia for older Mac OSes when all the nostalgia seems to be MS related. But I happen to notice that every time I play the cursor's click point is not calibrated? I always have to aim the cursor far to the right of where I want to click to actually close windows, and after playing for a few hours it's disorienting to get back to my old cursor lol. Is there a fix for this, or has anyone else experienced this? Either way, a great game so far. Can't wait to finish it.
I really appreciated this game - I got it on steam a while back and just finally played through it yesterday. The characters are great, and it really brought me back in a way most games can't.
I did run into one kinda frustrating bug with the steam version, causing game crashes at unfortunate times. One was getting the "Henry" achievement (which I did right before the end, of course), then the other was the endgame achievement, which crashed during the credits.
A few people ran into it on the steam community: here and here - the second link actually has a fix that worked for me. It seems like the steamworks library may need an update.
I know Steam's not great at keeping you up to date with what's going on, so I thought I'd share here in case you haven't seen it yet.
(ps: Thanks for reminding me that Neko exists! Hadn't thought about that little desktop cat in forever!)
Thanks for a lovely game
Hey, I'm really sorry that I have not issued a patch for this for so long - it really stumped me and I'm very inexperienced using steam's API >.<
However! I just released a new patch this weekend that *should* fix the issue, based on what other people have said!
Thanks for taking care of it! And again, thanks for a great game :)
Wow i really loved this! Thanks for the experience, i'm a trans person myself and it really resonated! I didn't experience online being online at that time but it reminded of when i was in forums in 2008-2010
Thanks again. I will recommend this to my friends
I love this game, the style and themes really resonate with me! But the save system is infuriatingly vague, and my save seems to have been deleted? I played up through the second day, logged out at the end, and when I logged back in today I was back at the very beginning. I already had to play the first day twice, I don't think I can play this any more, unless there's a way to jump to the third day :(
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that you're running into that bug! Which OS are you running the game under? Are you running the game in any sort of sandboxing software?
I’m running on Windows 10, and I think it’s running in the itch sandbox?
that has caused some issues forsome players - try just downloading the game from the store page normally without the use of any Itch client and that should work, though try running itwith admin access just in case there's some permissions issue preventing it from writing the save file to your filesystem.
I'm really glad I (finally) got around to playing this. Although I wasn't online at this time and never really got to the level of online-ness of Alex and her friends, a lot of the game was familiar to me. The Mac OS 9 nostalgia (we deserve it with the amount of MS-DOS nostalgia out there!); the fandom chats (in my case, the Percy Jackson fandom, with people who still talked like Alex and Sammy in 2014); the personalities (Jenni is strikingly similar to a friend of mine from a Carmen Sandiego forum); and - it has to be said - the parental abuse.
Honestly, seeing much of my own father and stepmother's behavior in Alex's dad kind of reminded me that yes, it was as bad as I remember it - if not worse - and yes, it really was abuse, looking from the outside in. Thank you to the creator(s) for that.
There are two things I wish were different with regards to the game controls. One is a volume control for the SFX as well as the music; the other is an option to disable the screen effects at the start of the game. I have a hard time seeing to read sometimes, and I didn't realize at first the option was there to calm down the visual distortion while chatting with John.
Thank you again to Victoria and her team for making this game.
I remember reading about this game months ago, in a Tumblr post I bookmarked. I was in my bookmarks today when I stumbled back upon it so I decided to actually buy it.
Fast forward to now, after staying up past midnight playing it. The writing flashes me back to being in middle school, on the gaiaonline forums, being on Yahoo messenger, being young and having nothing figured out. But to a greater extent, it captures the uncertainty of my egg cracking, and the rigid oppressive expectations from those who want me to be something I'm not. Not many games ive played capture the realness this does. So thank you, it was a delight.
Out of all the 'learn to hack' games out there, Secret Little Haven's slice of hacking is most realistic I've seen. I wasn't expecting that out of a nostalgiaOS game.
Also, the hard-core dad is my favorite. 'I had to leave my wife because she was holding us back, son. She is weak !!!'
nice game tho i am stuck at a part where laguna tells me to write in the terminal ~./Applications/Gem_Writer.play because the game won't make me type the "~"
I got stuck here too. You have to click next to the > symbol to get the blinking text cursor before you can type in the Terminal.
this game really uh, stabbed me right in the feelings
kinda curious though about uh how one goes about sending a crash log to hummingwarp or whatever
got the game on steam and it like, crashed after the final um. . . cutscene? images? the uh, final part. hopefully not missing anything that happens after that. . .
Are you able to get to the credits? Do you see the issue present in the Itch version (If you've played it)?
haha nvm i didn't know what i was doing excellent game
Hey, not sure why but the Is command in terminal isn't working, even just Is by itself does nothing/ .play i can do. I tried reinstalling and i looked up a youtube playthrough to make sure i wasn't doing something wrong. I saw a steam commment from someone with the same issue to.loving what i'm playing so far but kinda stuck now.
Are you sure you're typing it in properly? It sounds like you're typing it in as "IS" , not "LS", as it should be (Make sure it's all lowercase)
yup that's it. i took the as in" list " as whelp is is in there's too haha thank you everything's good.
That game was amazing, simply amazing, I really hope you do a sequel where she figures it out and sorts her relationship with her dad out, I came for a casual, chill vaporwave game for some nastolgia, and I got one of the best games in history by accident.
This broke my egg thank you